Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.

"The soul cannot live without love.
She always wants to love something
because love is the stuff she is made of,
and through love I created her."
Dialogue 51.

Heavenly Father, your glory is in your saints.
We praise your glory in the life of the admirable St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church.
Her whole life was a noble sacrifice inspired by an ardent love of Jesus, your unblemished Lamb.
In troubled times she strenuously upheld the rights
of His beloved spouse, The Church.
Father, honour her merits and hear her prayers for each of us, and for our whole parish family dedicated to her.
Help us to pass unscathed through the corruption of this world, and to remain unshakably faithful to the church in word, deed, and example.
Help us always to see in the Vicar of Christ an anchor in the storms of life, and a beacon of light to the harbour of your Love, in this dark night of your times and men's souls.
Grant also to each of us our special petition . . .
(pause to pray for your own intentions).
We ask this through Jesus, your Son, in the bond of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
St. Catherine of Siena, Pray for us!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Even the flowers sing

"The earth it groans in labor pains,
As flowers stretch to heaven above,
Your creatures sing the prophet’s song,
To be a gift of selfless LOVE.
The sun is rising in the east,
And Your spirit is unleashed,
For everything must die to rise again."
- Matt Maher On the Third Day

I have been so enamored by God's creation. It's beautiful how He would always puts things before us for the purpose of leading us to Him. He will never abandon us. The stirring melodies of music, the fields of violets, the cherry blossoms, daffofils, the crashing waves of the ocean--they all exclaim the boundlessness of His love.

Monday, April 13, 2009

" God establishes himself in the interior of this soul in such a way, that when she returns to herself, it is wholly impossible for her to doubt that she has been with God, and God in her." - Saint Teresa of Avila

I read and re read this passage from St Teresa when reading about Mysticism for my Phil of Religion class. How amazing! Praise God!

Friday, April 3, 2009

If anything love, then we shall meet through our prayers. This is the most intimate means of the exchanging of hearts, with hearts both set in the Lord's heart. Where else shall we meet than where Love begins?